Cedars-Sinai Hospital

The Challenge
The objective was a complete version of the page where the design was clean, modern, and focused on making the medical professionals the hero. While my version was not chosen completely, aspects and ideas of my design are live today on the Cedar-Sinai homepage.

Cedars-Sinai had an existing set of typefaces that I could have used, replaced, or challenged with some new options. I chose to dig in on their brand typefaces but really refine and explore additional weights.

The Approach
I focused on utilizing large gradient-filled circles paired with soothing colors from their palette to really push for a sense of calm mixed with a confident academic feel. Cedars-Sinai had an existing set of typefaces that I could have used, replaced or simply challenge with some new options. I chose to dig in on their brand typefaces but really refine and explore additional weights and sizes–all with the idea of focusing on the approachability of the data.

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